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Ribbon Fechral

Фехралевая лента
Ribbon Fechral – used in almost all industries, with construction work on the railways. Simply put, where there is high temperature, voltage and current. These are due to the scope of the special properties of this material. But before we talk about the properties let’s look at what is the Fechral.
Fehral – rasshirovyvaetsya both Fe (iron), Cr (chromium), and Al (aluminum). Its name corresponds to its basic components, the full composition fehrali: Chrome (content 12-15%), aluminum (the content of 3.5 – 5.5%), 1% of silicon, manganese (0.7%), the rest being iron. Fechral hard but brittle alloy, which requires complex processing and has high electrical resistivity. Density 7100-7300 kg / m³ and a melting temperature of 1450 ° C. Its maximum working temperature of 750-950 ° C.

We observed fehrali high resistance to corrosion in oxidizing and gray carbonaceous environments argon in air and in vacuum. Due to its low density, the production cost is 6 times lower nichrome. Disadvantages fechral is high hardness and brittleness, which makes it difficult technological processing. The tape is usually obtained by rolling or by electrolysis. For the production of fine wires active material is also not suitable.

Dimensions and tolerances in mm cold-rolled strip


Permissible thickness deviation


Tolerances on width

The length no less


Permissible thickness deviation


Tolerances on width

The length no less

0,1; 0,15; 0,20; 0,22; 0,25





40 000

1,10; 1,20




15 000

1,40; 1,50


0,28; 0,30;

0,32; 0,35;

0,36; 0,40;



1,60; 1,80



0,45; 0,50;

0,55; 0,60; 0,70;



20 000



10 000

0,80; 0,90;


2,50; 2,80;

3,00; 3,20






Толщина Допускаемые отклонения по толщине Ширина Допускаемые отклонения по ширине Длина не менее Толщина Допускаемые отклонения по толщине Ширина Допускаемые отклонения по ширине Длина не менее
0,1; 0,15; 0,20; 0,22; 0,25 ±0,008
±0,010 4-60 -0,2 40 000 1,10; 1,20 ±0,030 10-60 -0,4 15 000
1,40; 1,50±0,040
0,28; 0,30;
0,32; 0,35;
0,36; 0,40;0,0156-601,60; 1,80±0,050
0,45; 0,50;
0,55; 0,60; 0,70; ±0,020 -0,3 20 000 2,20 10-100 10 000
0,80; 0,90; ±0,025 2,50; 2,80;
3,00; 3,20±0,06020-100-0,6

Телефон / Факс

Мобильный телефон

Мобильный телефон