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Nichome ribbon

Nichome ribbon

нихромовая лента

Nichrome – an alloy with good ductility, which allows to make of it and strip 0.1 mm thick. Nichrome tapeis widely used to convert electric current into heat energy, as nichrome ribbon used in joints resistance,starting resistors, resistors in blocks ballasts for cranes.

Nichrome tape produced a thickness of 0.1 mm. It is produced by means of rolling or electrically.

Dimensions and tolerances in mm cold-rolled strip.

Price on nichrome tape you can see in the price list.

Tape of nichrome alloy used in the manufacture Ni20Cr80:

heating and cutting elements termonozhey (for packing or sealing polythene bags); thermoelements various types of industrial furnaces burning in different elektrosushkah for heating various parts; household electric heating appliances; industrial and domestic water heaters.

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