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Pipe profile

Profile pipes

труба профильная днепропетровск

Production of profile pipes

Profiled stainless steel tubes are made from these grades of stainless steel:

  • 12X18H10T (analogue world – AISI 321);
  • 20H23N18 (AISI 310S);
  • 10X17H13M2T (AISI 316Ti).

These steels are suitable for use in highly humid conditions and in corrosive environments. The price of the profile of the pipe steel grades can be found by calling us or write an e-mail.

Sectional tubes are manufactured in several ways according to GOST 8639-82:

Cold deformation. Held longitudinal piercing the cooled preforms with a circular section in a rolling equipment, followed by treatment of the surface of the finished product. In this way, the profile of the pipe manufactured with an outer diameter of 1-12 mm and a wall thickness of 1-8 mm.

Hot deformation. The technological process is almost identical to that in cold deformation. This method is used for the production of shaped pipes with an outer diameter of 6-18 cm and a wall thickness of 4-14 mm.

The reduction. Hot and cold stainless steel workpiece is pulled while the side obzhoge.

Electric welding. It is used in such cases where the desired shaped tubes have an outer diameter of 1-10 cm and a wall thickness of 1-5 mm.

Profile pipes produced on equipment which provides allowable values of deviations which do not affect product quality.


Requirements in accordance with GOST 30245-2003 for profiled stainless steel tubes of square or rectangular cross-section:

The cross-section should be a deviation from the angle of 90 degrees is not greater than 1.3 degrees. Maximum camber width up to 10 cm, should be 0.5-1 mm per meter of length, width and profile of more than 10 cm – 0.8 mm.

Profile length and cross-sectional area shall be as specified in the tables of guests.

According to GOST 30245-2003 intake pipe profile to be 6-12 meters in length, but the wishes of the customer, the length can reach 4-13 m.

The wall thickness of the tube (except where bending) should correspond to deviations control sample, which has a width of 12.5 cm. This standard is used to calculate the weight properly shaped tube. The thinner the wall, the weight of the shaped tube smaller.

труба профильная цена шлифованная

The main methods of welding shaped tube:

  • laser welding;
  • plasma;
  • high-frequency electric welding;
  • welding in an inert gas by means of tungsten electrodes;
  • at the finish of production, the pipe profile also subjected: roasting, etching, grinding.


By type of surface Stainless profiled tube is divided into:

  • matt rough;
  • Matt smooth;
  • ground;
  • SLR (polished). The treatment is carried fabric polishing tapes and grinding paste.

Price honed pipe profile

Honed shaped tubes in appearance does not concede to the mirror, and their process is much easier, thereby achieving a uniform color of the surface. Also polished surface of the pipe profile improves their resistance to corrosion, and weld the inside is not processed. Through grinding, it is possible to achieve different textures on the surface of the tube, thereby using them in different decorative designs.

Mirror shaped tubes are the most expensive, because their treatment is very time-consuming but the most automated process.

зеркальная профильная труба

Advantages of profile pipes:

  • high strength, thus have lower weight;
  • easy to install;
  • by distributing the load on the edges of the pipe, they can withstand heavy loads;
  • resistant to torsion and flexibility;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • they are easy to mount on flat surfaces;
  • refractory tube with high corrosion resistance;
  • aesthetic and durable;
  • cost-effective.


Applications Profile pipes so wide that not all counted, we note only the main:

  • construction (bearing structures, floors, frames structures);
  • engineering (stiffening construction vehicles);
  • production (furniture, stair lattice);
  • Finishing work (stairs, railings, metal of various sizes);
  • industry (machines and devices).

Using a specialized stainless steel tubes saves material resources and manpower at their installation. Price shaped tube is relatively higher than other similar products, but also savings on the fact that it is not necessary to cover the additional protection against corrosion.

Buy Profile pipes

Buy profiled pipe in Dnepropetrovsk may be in the company Atomsteel. Calling to company, you will get detailed information about products, and know the real price per square meter of profile pipes of any diameter and wall thickness.

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